Fred Photo Gallery
- Chapter 1: After The Accident
- Chapter 2: Third grade school photo
- Chapter 3: At the farm before my hair starts falling out
- Chapter 3: Just as my hair was starting to fall out.
- Chapter 4: About to go to a formal dance with Doug
- Chapter 5: An event with my parents just before I started my first summer semester at Illinois and shortly after I’d met “the salesman.”
- Chapter 6: At my Lakeview apartment with Abby and Fred
- Chapter 6: In my office at UNUM in Chicago
- Chapter 6: In the house where Todd and I lived with my dad and Fred.
- Chapter 7: With Mom at the apartment where I initially lived with Alex
- Chapter 7: On the back porch of the house where Alex and I lived with Mom, Dad, and Fred.
- Chapter 8: The day after I bought Lee
- Chapter 9: With Lee by the lake that was the scene of The Accident II
- Chapter 10: Corey and Shala on our holiday card.
- Chapter 11: A photo from the 2017 IOCDF conference of me with Jeff Bell and Reid Wilson, both of whom I first encountered at the 2010 conference and whose words changed the course of my life.
- Chapter 12 of Fred: The personification of my OCD.
- Chapter 13: Hanging out with other OCD therapists at an IOCDF conference.
- Chapter 13: with Cornerstone Family Services colleagues after a group outing.
- Chapter 14: Giving the keynote at the 2013 IOCDF national conference.
- Chapter 15: At the 2014 conference social with Jeff Bell and friends after trying out the new belief that the universe is friendly.
- Chapter 16: Lee had been trying to give me one of the most important tools for my OCD recovery for a decade, and I finally got it!
- Chapter 17: Doing a BDD exposure! (And it doesn’t matter that you can’t see my head, as that’s not what this ERP is about!)
- Chapter 18: with Jeff at Spirit Rock on a break during Rick Hanson’s workshop.
- Chapter 19: My rabies shots!
- Chapter 19: Visiting the University of Illinois, 25+ years since I first met “the salesman.”
- Acknowledgements: Shala and Jeff Bell after giving a talk at the McLean OCDI.
- Acknowledgements: Shala and Reid Wilson.
- Acknowledgements: Shala and Becky Beaton.
- Acknowledgements: Shala and Joan Herbig
- Acknowledgements: Corey and Shala having fun at Six Flags in 2015.
- Acknowledgements: Shala with Jon Grayson and friends at the 2014 IOCDF conference.
- Acknowledgements: Shala and Ashley Smith.
- Acknowledgements: Shala and Kimberley Quinlan.
Is Fred in the Refrigerator?: Taming OCD and Reclaiming My Life is available for purchase on Photographs in the top banner by Sabrina Fattal Photography.