Marrying Intention and Attention
OCD and your smartphone both send you notifications when they want you to so something, but marrying your attention to your intentions can keep you from getting lost in either the digital world or OCD hell.
OCD and your smartphone both send you notifications when they want you to so something, but marrying your attention to your intentions can keep you from getting lost in either the digital world or OCD hell.
It's unfortunately all too easy to create our own suffering using the tried and true formula of Pain x Resistance = Suffering.
When you have OCD and/or anxiety, your life can be dominated by attempts to attain the BIG Cs: CONTROL and [...]
I read the following paragraph from Mindfulness: An Eight-Week Plan for Finding Peace in a Frantic World by Mark Williams [...]
I don't mean to be overly dramatic, but there are two things I've learned in the past few years [...]
In The House of Velvet and Glass, Sybil Allston is trying to make sense of the death of her [...]